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Sago Pudding (Gula Melaka)
Author: Shiokman Eddie
  • 150 g pearl sago
  • 1 litre water for boiling
  • 200 g gula melaka palm sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pandan leaves
  • 200 ml thick coconut milk santan
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  1. Rinse pearl sago a few times until water is clear.

  2. Drain the sago through a sieve.

  3. In a pot of boiling water, add pearl sago. Continue boiling for another 10 minutes on moderate flame, stirring constantly to prevent sago from sticking to the pot. Turn off the flame. Cover the pot and leave to stand for 8 minutes. Sago should be fully cooked and transparent.

  4. Drain cooked sago through a sieve. Rinse sago with the sieve under the  tap. Drain off all the water.

  5. Spoon sago into small containers and chill in fridge.

Gula Melaka Syrup
  1. Boil gula melaka, pandan leaves, salt and water in a saucepan. Simmer over moderate heat, until gula melts completely. Strain syrup to remove sediments. Set aside to cool and refrigerate.
Coconut Milk Topping
  1. Boil coconut milk with salt in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat. Set aside to cool and refrigerate.
  1. Invert container of chilled sago pudding onto a serving plate. Top with coconut milk and gula melaka syrup.
Recipe Notes

If santan is too thick (after chilling), you may add some water to dilute it.