How to extract concentrated pandan (screwpine) juice

Learn to make natural pandan extract from fresh pandan leaves to enhance the flavour of your kueh. Make a large batch if you plan on making pandan cakes, kuehs and desserts. It keeps well in the fridge for about 2 weeks.
Great for making Kueh Dadar, Kueh Salat, Kueh Bakar, Pandan Cakes, Agar Agar, etc.
Kueh Salat Recipe link:
Kueh Dadar Recipe link:
Kueh Bakar Recipe link:
This video will show you how to separate the pandan extract from the pandan juice, leaving the pandan water.
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- Pandan leaves
- Water
Wash pandan leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt.
Cut leaves into small pieces with a pair of scissors.
Place the cut leaves into a blender.
Add enough water so that the leaves can blend easily. The ratio of leaves to water is about 2:1, eg 2 cups pandan leaves to 1 cup water.
Blend into a fine pulp.
Sieve out the pandan juice.
Squeeze the pulp to extract as much pandan juice as you can.
Transfer the pandan juice into a big bottle and store in the fridge overnight.
The pandan juice will separate and the concentrated extract will sink to the bottom.
Pour out the clear pandan 'water' into bottles, leaving the concentrated pandan extract behind.
Transfer the pandan extract into a small bottle.
This process may be repeated over several days to obtain concentrated pandan paste.
- The pandan extract, juice and water may be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
- The pandan extract may be used for making Pandan Chiffon Cake, Kaya, etc.
- The pandan juice (ie pandan extract and pandan water) may be used for making Kueh Bakar, Kueh Dadar, Kueh Salat, etc.
- The clear pandan water may be used for making Agar Agar or steaming pulut.