This recipe is for a basic Vanilla Chiffon cake. The cake is light and spongy due to the meringue which is egg white beaten to firm peaks. As the cake has a light and airy texture, it will shrink quite fast when out of the oven. To prevent further shrinkage of the cake, the pan […]
How to extract concentrated pandan (screwpine) juice
Learn to make natural pandan extract from fresh pandan leaves to enhance the flavour of your kueh. Make a large batch if you plan on making pandan cakes, kuehs and desserts. It keeps well in the fridge for about 2 weeks. Great for making Kueh Dadar, Kueh Salat, Kueh Bakar, Pandan Cakes, Agar Agar, etc. […]
Instant Pot Duo Plus Braised Yee Fu Noodles
A simple yet flavourful noodle dish with just 3 main ingredients besides the sauce. This dish is usually served at Chinese Banquets during the end of a ten course dinner and consist of yee fu noodles, straw mushrooms and white chives. For this recipe, I’ve added shiitake and brown beech mushrooms instead of straw mushrooms. […]